If both Clients (issuers / beneficiaries) wishing to settle in the CCI have an Alia, should they include their bank details (bank code, name, TIN, correspondent account, BIC code) in the operating system?
#Money transfers
What are the main features of AOS from AZIPS and SPSCS?
#Money transfers
What is the limit set for a single payment transaction?
#Money transfers
In what currency is it possible to conduct operations in AOS?
#Money transfers
At what time interval does the ACS operate?
#Money transfers
Is additional Client identification performed to protect against fraud?
#Money transfers
What should the customer do to get Alias?
#Money transfers
How many Alias can be connected to IBAN?
#Money transfers
Are only Alias used in calculations over AOS?
#Money transfers
What is the purpose of applying Alias?
#Money transfers
Is it possible to create Alias without IBAN?
#Money transfers
What is Alias?
#Money transfers
What is IBAN?
#Money transfers
Which institution is the owner of INP
#Money transfers
What is the Instant Payment System (INP)?
#Money transfers
What types are fast money transfers?
#Money transfers