Mobile Banking

Your Bank has updated its mobile application. The new mobile application provides many functions for your convenience and remote banking. With our mobile banking service, it is faster to manage cards, current accounts, loans and deposits, make payments and transfers, and perform conversion operations.
The mobile application can be downloaded from the following links.
Play Market:
Apple Store:
There are 3 ways to register in our mobile application:
1. By customer number;
While registration by a customer number is done with the customer number and password you use to access internet banking.
2. By AFB Bank card;
While registering by AFB Bank card, you must enter the last 8 digits of the card, the expiration date of the card and the mobile number associated with your account. If your account number has changed or is not registered, you need to contact one of your branches to correct the information.
3. By ASAN Imza;
While registering by ASAN Imza, you enter your mobile number and user ID. Request sent to ASAN Imza mobile number You confirm with ASAN Imza PIN 1 and the user is selected and logged into the application. Transactions are confirmed by ASAN Imza PIN 2. No PIN is set for login.