Quarterly reports
- 16.01.2025
A list of instruments (hedging instruments) used to prevent foreign currency risk, as well as a brief explanation of these instruments Q4 2024
- 15.01.2025
Risk Management Policy
- 15.01.2025
Market Risk 2024
- 15.01.2025
Financial position (Q4 2024)
- 15.01.2025
Capital (Q4 2024)
- 15.01.2025
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q4 2024)
- 15.01.2025
Profit and Loss Statement (Q4 2024)
- 15.01.2025
Cash Flow (Q4 2024)
- 15.01.2025
Credit risk (Q4 2024)
- 15.01.2025
Liquidity risk (Q4 2024)
- 15.01.2025
Interest rate risk (Q4 2024)
- 15.01.2025
Currency risk (Q4 2024)
- 14.10.2024
Currency risk (Q3 2024)
- 14.10.2024
Interest rate risk (Q3 2024)
- 14.10.2024
Liquidity risk (Q3 2024)
- 14.10.2024
Credit risk (Q3 2024)
- 14.10.2024
Cash Flow (Q3 2024)
- 14.10.2024
Profit and Loss report (Q3 2024)
- 14.10.2024
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q3 2024)
- 14.10.2024
Capital (Q3 2024)
- 14.10.2024
Financial situation (Q3 2024)
- 12.07.2024
Financial situation (Q2 2024)
- 12.07.2024
Capital (Q2 2024)
- 12.07.2024
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q2 2024)
- 12.07.2024
Profit and Loss report (Q2 2024)
- 12.07.2024
Cash Flow (Q2 2024)
- 12.07.2024
Credit risk (Q2 2024)
- 12.07.2024
Liquidity risk (Q2 2024)
- 12.07.2024
Interest rate risk (Q2 2024)
- 12.07.2024
Currency risk (Q2 2024)
- 16.04.2024
Financial situation (Q1 2024)
- 16.04.2024
Capital (Q1 2024)
- 16.04.2024
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q1 2024)
- 16.04.2024
Profit and Loss report (Q1 2024)
- 16.04.2024
Cash Flow (Q1 2024)
- 16.04.2024
Credit risk (Q1 2024)
- 16.04.2024
Liquidity risk (Q1 2024)
- 16.04.2024
Interest rate risk (Q1 2024)
- 16.04.2024
Currency risk (Q1 2021)
- 12.01.2024
Market Risk (Q4 2023)
- 12.01.2024
Financial and operating results 30.12.2023
- 12.01.2024
Financial situation (Q4 2023)
- 12.01.2024
Capital (Q4 2023)
- 12.01.2024
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q4 2023)
- 12.01.2024
Profit and Loss report (Q4 2023)
- 12.01.2024
Cash Flow (Q4 2023)
- 12.01.2024
Credit risk (Q4 2023)
- 12.01.2024
Liquidity risk (Q3 2023)
- 12.01.2024
Interest rate risk (Q4 2023)
- 12.01.2024
Currency risk (Q4 2023)
- 10.01.2024
The schedule of the quarterly report IV quarter 2023
- 10.01.2024
Report Table Q4 2023
- 10.01.2024
AFB BANK (MB) report Q4 2023
- 10.01.2024
The schedule of the quarterly report Q3 2023
- 10.01.2024
Report Table Q3 2023
- 10.01.2024
AFB BANK (MB) report Q3 2023
- 10.01.2024
Schedule of the quarterly report Q2 2023
- 10.01.2024
Report Table Q2 2023
- 10.01.2024
AFB BANK (MB) report Q2 2023
- 10.01.2024
Schedule of the quarterly report Q1 2023
- 10.01.2024
Report Table Q1 2023
- 10.01.2024
AFB BANK (MB) report Q1 2023
- 26.10.2023
Risk Management Strategy and Policy
- 26.10.2023
A list of instruments (hedging instruments) used to prevent foreign currency risk, as well as a brief explanation of these instruments
- 13.10.2023
Market Risk 2023
- 12.10.2023
Financial and operational results 30.09.2023
- 12.10.2023
Financial situation (Q3 2023)
- 12.10.2023
Capital (Q3 2023)
- 12.10.2023
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q3 2023)
- 12.10.2023
Profit and Loss report (Q3 2023)
- 12.10.2023
Cash Flow (Q3 2023)
- 12.10.2023
Credit risk (Q3 2023)
- 12.10.2023
Interest rate risk (Q3 2023)
- 12.10.2023
Liquidity risk (Q3 2023)
- 12.10.2023
Currency risk (Q3 2023)
- 14.08.2023
Quarterly statistical reports of banks for 2023 - II quarter 2023
- 14.08.2023
Quarterly statistical reports of banks for 2023 - I quarter 2023
- 14.08.2023
Report Table I quarter 2023
- 24.07.2023
Currency risk (Q2 2023)
- 24.07.2023
Liquidity risk (Q2 2023)
- 24.07.2023
Interest rate risk (Q2 2023)
- 24.07.2023
Credit risk (Q2 2023)
- 24.07.2023
Cash Flow (Q2 2023)
- 24.07.2023
Profit and Loss report (Q2 2023)
- 24.07.2023
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q2 2023)
- 24.07.2023
Capital (Q2 2023)
- 24.07.2023
Financial situation (Q2 2023)
- 25.04.2023
Currency risk (Q1 2023)
- 25.04.2023
Liquidity risk (Q1 2023)
- 25.04.2023
Interest rate risk (Q1 2023)
- 25.04.2023
Credit risk (Q1 2023)
- 25.04.2023
Cash Flow (Q1 2023)
- 25.04.2023
Profit and Loss report (Q1 2023)
- 25.04.2023
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q1 2023)
- 25.04.2023
Capital (Q1 2023)
- 25.04.2023
Financial situation (Q1 2023)
- 25.01.2023
Liquidity risk (Q4 2022)
- 25.01.2023
Interest rate risk (Q4 2022)
- 25.01.2023
Credit risk (Q4 2022)
- 25.01.2023
Currency risk (Q4 2022)
- 25.01.2023
Cash Flow (Q4 2022)
- 25.01.2023
Profit and Loss report (Q4 2022)
- 25.01.2023
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q4 2022)
- 25.01.2023
Capital (Q4 2022)
- 25.01.2023
Financial situation (Q4 2022)
- 24.10.2022
Financial situation (Q3 2022)
- 24.10.2022
Capital (Q3 2022)
- 24.10.2022
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q3 2022)
- 24.10.2022
Profit and Loss report (Q3 2022)
- 24.10.2022
Cash Flow (Q3 2022)
- 24.10.2022
Currency risk (Q3 2022)
- 24.10.2022
Credit risk (Q3 2022)
- 24.10.2022
Interest rate risk (Q3 2022)
- 24.10.2022
Liquidity risk (Q3 2022)
- 19.07.2022
Liquidity risk (Q2 2022)
- 19.07.2022
Interest rate risk (Q2 2022)
- 19.07.2022
Credit risk (Q2 2022)
- 19.07.2022
Currency risk (Q2 2022)
- 19.07.2022
Cash Flow (Q2 2022)
- 19.07.2022
Profit and Loss report (Q2 2022)
- 19.07.2022
Financial situation (Q2 2022)
- 19.07.2022
Information on capital structure and adequacy (Q2 2022)
- 19.07.2022
Capital (Q2 2022)
- 22.04.2022
- 22.04.2022
- 22.04.2022
- 22.04.2022
- 22.04.2022
- 22.04.2022
- 22.04.2022
- 22.04.2022
- 22.04.2022
- 20.01.2022
Profit and Loss Report (4th Quarter 2021)
- 20.01.2022
Liquidity Risk (4th Quarter 2021)
- 20.01.2022
Interest Risk (4th Quarter 2021)
- 20.01.2022
Credit Risk (4th Quarter 2021)
- 20.01.2022
Currency Risk (4th Quarter 2021)
- 20.01.2022
Cash Flow (4th Quarter 2021)
- 20.01.2022
Information on capital structure and adequacy (4th quarter 2021)
- 20.01.2022
Capital (4th Quarter 2021)
- 20.01.2022
Financial Situation (4th Quarter 2021)
- 25.10.2021
Capital (3rd Quarter 2021)
- 25.10.2021
Information on capital structure and adequacy (3rd quarter 2021)
- 25.10.2021
Financial Situation (3rd Quarter 2021)
- 25.10.2021
Profit and Loss Statement (3rd Quarter 2021)
- 25.10.2021
Cash flow (3rd quarter 2021)
- 25.10.2021
Currency Risk (3rd Quarter 2021)
- 25.10.2021
Credit Risk (3rd Quarter 2021)
- 25.10.2021
Interest Risk (3rd Quarter 2021)
- 25.10.2021
Interest Risk (3rd Quarter 2021)
- 17.07.2021
Cash flow (2 Quarter 2021)
- 17.07.2021
Interest Risk (2 Rub 2021)
- 17.07.2021
Financial Situation (2 Quarter 2021)
- 17.07.2021
Credit Risk (2 Rub 2021)
- 17.07.2021
Liquidity Risk (2Quest 2021)
- 17.07.2021
Capital (2 Rub 2021)
- 17.07.2021
Information on capital structure and adequacy (2 Quarter 2021)
- 17.07.2021
Valyuta Riski (2 Rüb 2021)
- 17.07.2021
Profit and Loss Report (2 Quarter 2021)
- 15.04.2021
Liquidity Risk (1 Rub 2021)
- 15.04.2021
Currency Risks (1 Rub 2021)
- 15.04.2021
Interest Risk (1 Rub 2021)
- 15.04.2021
Credit Risk (1 Rub 2021)
- 15.04.2021
Cash flow (1 Quarter 2021)
- 15.04.2021
Profit and Loss Statement (1 Quarter 2021)
- 15.04.2021
Capital (1 Rub 2021)
- 15.04.2021
Financial condition (1 quarter 2021)
- 15.04.2021
Profit and Loss Statement (1 Quarter 2021)
- 28.01.2021
- 28.01.2021
- 28.01.2021
- 28.01.2021
- 28.01.2021
- 28.01.2021
- 28.01.2021
- 28.01.2021
- 28.01.2021
- 28.01.2021
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.10.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.07.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 28.04.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.01.2020
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- 30.09.2019
- Previous heading arrow_back Financial statements
- Next heading Issuer reports arrow_forward