AFB Bank supported 3 more citizens within the Self-Employment Program!
11 Nov, 2020 -
Commission-free transfers from AFB Bank OJSC to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan
11 Nov, 2020 -
Changes in the working hours of AFB Bank branches and divisions!
21 Oct, 2020 -
An extraordinary meeting of the General Meeting of Shareholders of AFB Bank OJSC is convened
16 Oct, 2020 -
AFB Bank OJSC warns
09 Oct, 2020 -
AFB Bank has allocated AZN 200,000 to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund
02 Oct, 2020 -
New "Tehsil krediti" product from AFB Bank
15 Sep, 2020 -
AFB Bank has introduced a new mobile application
25 Aug, 2020 -
Sumgayit branch of AFB Bank at a new address
20 Aug, 2020 -
AFB Bank continues to support the self-employment program!
18 Aug, 2020